
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Trusting God book review

When I first received this book I thought, ‘oh great, just what the market needed, another devotional’. Yes, this is another devotional but it’s on a personal level with not only true life scenarios that we can relate to but by women who make you feel like their very best friends because they’re not afraid to open up to you. It’s hard to be candidly honest sometimes with strangers because we don’t want them to see our real inner selves and judge us for not believing at times, for not trusting and we want them to believe what we preach and that’s that we fully believe and trust in God in ALL circumstances of our lives. This book is done in a way unique to most devotionals with insights on what to pray, what we need to work on incorporating more of in our lives and scripture to back those insights up with. This book relates to actual testimonies and not just imaginary what if’s to propose for the various possibilities in our lives. I would say this book is a cross between how to trust God with our hearts, lives, families and futures and Chicken Soup for the ___ series. The stories are great as well as the grounding foundations of what the Bible tells us to hold close to us.

Well done ladies.

I received this book free in exchange of my honest review from Waterbrook/Multnomah Publishing Group.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

A Convicting Reminder

The Radical Question is a great spinoff of the original book, Radical. Remember when you were first on fire for the Lord Jesus? This book gives you some thought on what that meant to you and how just because times have changed, that doesn’t mean God has or His Son’s commission on earth is any lesser of a way to live now than it was then.

The book is convicting to a point that you begin to weigh what Jesus means to you in the things you do every day and the decisions you need to make. The American Dream is not in conjunction with the ways of the Lord and this book brings that back into focus.

The second half of this book, Radical Idea, is also convicting in its attempt to explain the importance of the church being the people in it, not the building itself. It’s what we do for each other, it’s how we conduct ourselves before other people, it’s how we take care of each other through the love of God that matters and what God has instructed us to do.

Most people today spend too much time electing others to take care of our problems for us, doctors, lawyers, landscapers, pool cleaners, these are just examples, but why can’t we do these things for ourselves and for each other rather than hire outsiders to do them for us? Where in our lives do we commit ourselves to each other on days other than just Sunday mornings? Radical Idea is, from today’s standards or the norm of this age, truly a radical idea. We have hidden ourselves behind worldly concepts and practices that we’ve lost touch with the church, with us.  

I received this book free in exchange of my honest review from Waterbrook/Multnomah Publishing Group.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Spark – Transform Your World, One Small Risk at a Time

I really did not care for this book at all. First off, the author claims to be Christian and seems to know scripture well but takes scripture then attempts to interpret it in a whole new way. I realize that God’s Word can give us different comforts and insights at various times or seasons in our lives but we are not given the freedom to create something new of it. Gospel is Gospel no matter how you try to twist it. If you try to twist it, it’s twisted!

For example, the back cover states, “Partner with God and others to accomplish something beautiful that serves humanity.” Now, true followers of the Lord know that we don’t partner with God and we certainly do not aim to serve humanity. We are followers and believers and doers of God’s Word, we are in no way equal to be partners with Him. We also do not strive to serve humanity in anyway. We are to love our neighbors but our ultimate goal is to serve God, not people. Galations instructs us of that very clearly (Gal 10:1 if you care to open truth and see for yourself).

In this 16 chapter book, even though it’s a quick read, it still took until the 15th chapter to finally give a pep talk to the readers. However, in the first 14 chapters, the author makes long, drawn out attempts to take scripture and put new meaning into it by giving examples of his own ideas of what it means and how the rest of us seem to have not fully grasped what God has been instructing us for the past 2000+ years. After these useless ideas of self-empowerment, it’s not until the very last chapter that readers are given an actual ‘how-to’ idea of applying his concepts in their lives.

Christianity and most other religions that serve the living Almighty Father, God all include in their basic of basics in theology that we are to die to ourselves and serve Him. We are not to be self-empowering, self-elevating and motivating others to use God as a backup system rather than our main source of comfort, guidance and submitting to His will and not our own. Jaggard writes of God being narcissistic, like a rock star diva and those of us who truly follow Him to have no choices or power in our own lives. I feel that a true lover of God wouldn’t go anywhere near this ideology and certainly would not be teaching it to others.  

I’m a little saddened that I feel the author put many hours of hard work into this book that will do nothing for its believers except draw them into a world of self-centeredness without the total comfort and peace God has to offer us when we allow Him to show us the way instead of taking the reigns ourselves and fighting where I true destiny lies. God is soveREIGN because He and He alone reigns. I do not recommend this book to anybody whose heart is to serve the Lord.

This book was a free gift in exchange for my honest opinion of it provided by Waterbrook/Multnomah Publishing Group.

Monday, September 17, 2012

The God I Never Knew

I was excited about reading the book. When I first started, I got into the book right away and read some great truths that were scripturally sound and backed by the gospel. This is always a great way to get the attention of believers in Christ and even more so of believers of the Holy Trinity.

For those struggling about the Holy Trinity, this book is great because it clarifies in the second half some of what the author is trying to explain in the first half of the book. If you are a mature believer, this book may seem a bit elementary because these are things we learn in our community life groups as you grow in your faith.

This is an excellent book to give to those who may be new believers as well as those who don’t fully understand the role of the Holy Spirit. The Lord, Jesus Christ tells us that when He left the disciples before His crucifixion, we would be left with a helper that would dwell with/in us and people of that time didn’t know what He meant. This book explains that ‘helper’ and how the relationship with the Spirit can benefit us.

I received this book free in exchange of my honest review from Waterbrook/Multnomah Publishing Group.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Thought Provoking Bible Study

The Power of Knowing God by Kay Arthur (40-min Bible Study) Review

True to Kay Arthur’s study material, she probes the reader to dig deep into their soul to get closer to God. She’s an excellent teacher and the material is well organized and thought out as your journey to strengthen a relationship with Him progresses.

However, if I do find Kay’s method of scribbling symbols in your bible a bit over the top. Once you’re finished with her suggested ‘highlights’, your bible is a bit hard to read and not much can be done if you review the same scripture for another topic later because you’ve already marked stuff for that particular study.

I do recommend that if you are going to be as extensive in note taking as she suggests that you create your own journal on the topic at hand and write out the scriptures mentioned for that one study. At least then you’d have topical journals all kept in one place to review for later use without having to search for stuff you ‘knew’ was in there but just can’t seem to find when you need it. Leave the bible writing for simplistic highlighting and more general note taking so you can actually read the words later.

Otherwise, great study, loaded with useful information from cover to cover and plenty of room for small group discussion or intimate private time with God reflecting. Kay never fails to bring key scriptures to the table and she’s true to form in this study as well. Enjoy!

I received this book for free from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group in exchange for my honest review.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Necessity of an Enemy Book Review

I liked it. I felt the author had a lot of good points to make regarding why we have an enemy and how not to think of our challenges as punishment or in a negative perspective but as opportunities to glorify God and push through them with a different attitude.

I’ve always felt that when people say God won’t give us anything we can’t handle, it was a misquote. What scripture tells us is that He won’t give us what we can’t handle withOUT Him! This book reflects that belief for me.

In all things we are to give thanks and that includes the difficult times because scripture does tell us those are the times He uses to help us grow. We cannot grow if we are never challenged to move forward. Any Christian living in the Word knows and understands this truth. The author sheds new light on how to accept this and praise God while enduring it.

I recommend this book to anybody who finds the difficult times too difficult to see God through it all.

I received this book for free from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group in exchange for my honest review.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Where Lilacs Still Bloom Review

It took me awhile to get through this book. It wasn’t a bad story, but gardening and baking are just not my things. I love to cook but to spend so much time trying to find a product that doesn’t exist and make it come to life in a garden seemed like a waste of time for me when there are so many other things out there to use. This book was not about me though, so for her life, if you’re into that sort of thing, then I’m sure it will be extremely enjoyable for the gardening baker.

I have passed the book on to someone who seems to enjoy it as she does those two tasks in her own life. Perhaps I’m the wrong person to give this review but with so many other things going on in this woman’s life, I felt even though it was a passion, there were other places she could have placed her attention.

This book was a gift and in exchange, I have agreed to give my honest opinion but if I were to browse a book store, I wouldn’t have picked this to begin with. For that reason, for the person who does search this book because it is what they enjoy, I am giving it 4 stars. The background stories were good; I enjoyed that more than I did the main story line. However, the author’s passions and my own do not parallel.

I received this book free in exchange of my honest review from Waterbrook/Multnomah Publishing Group.

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Treasure Principle Book Review

Great Book!

The Treasure Principle was extremely insightful. I was pleasantly surprised at how plainly the Bible explains our possessions on earth and how if we’re willing to accept our tasks and roles on earth regarding our possessions how much more blessed we would be.

Alcorn clearly defines why churches mention the ‘10%’, gives the biblical definition and goes far beyond what we can do with that as servants. There are no miracle solutions to God’s gifts to us or how to get rich quick which I appreciated because I strongly dislike theologians (term used lightly) who try to make us think that if we give, we’ll get while on earth. I feel these are promises nobody on earth can make come true and Alcorn is fully aware of that.

Randy Alcorn helps us understand in this little handbook, how to begin a journey of giving in little step increments so there is no room for misinterpretation of what he’s trying to get across to us. He uses his life examples in certain places and I’ve learned a lot about him and his family that I did not know but have humbled myself to prayer for them.

Read this book with an open heart and pray that God will speak to you through Andy’s text and you will see giving in an entirely new light. Enjoy!

This book was a free gift in exchange for my honest opinion of it provided by Waterbrook/Multnomah Publishing Group.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Book Review for "A Radical Idea" By David Platt

I fell in love with this short book immediately. If you've got about a half an hour, you can get through this in one sitting. So many people have a million excuses why they can't do such and such or so and so ministry, they're not equiped, etc. This book truly challenges those excuses and reminds us what Christ really asked of us.
I think every single Christian should read this. Nobody wants to do anything that is out of their comfort zone and this book never asks for that; it asks to go back to the root of Jesus' final requests to make disciples of men.
Excellent book, I'm going to push my groups to read it and that includes my pastor! Quit living for yourself and life to fulfill what we were meant to. Enjoy!

I received this book free in exchange of my honest review from Waterbrook/Multnomah Publishing Group.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dinner With A Perfect Stranger Book Review

This is a very quick read, excellent for new believers who are seeking a crash course in what Jesus has to offer. The book is simple and pretty much to the point for those difficult questions to answer sometimes. The setting is something everyone can relate to and leaves you with a smile at the end.

I liked it and would recommend it to someone who needs a quick reminder on just who Jesus is. The book can be completed in roughly two hours and would be a perfect gift for those who don’t read a lot but you want to pass on the message of Christ to them.

Non-abrasive Christianity wrapped up in one meal. Great! Thank you for the opportunity to brush up on my Lord.

I received this book free in exchange of my honest review from Waterbrook/Multnomah Publishing Group.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Fourth Fisherman Book Review

The book started off a little weird for me. Interesting, kept me reading, but I was a bit lost without more of an into as to why we were going back and forth between the fisherman and this seemingly out of place other story. However, once it was explained further in the book, it all made sense and I couldn’t put it down. I wanted to know more!

This book has so many angles with at least 4 strong personal stories to follow that it can touch the hearts of almost anybody, if not everybody in some way. We’ve all been through things in our lives that we can relate to the ‘fisherman’ in one scenario or another.

This is a keeper for my library. I was moved to be able to witness through the author’s words how mysterious God’s work really is. Having experienced some of the same things in my own life, this book was testimony that I wasn’t ‘crazy’ when I felt the Lord’s hand in my life during some of my trials.

Thank you for the opportunity to read this book before it was released; having done so somehow gives me the illusion of being one step closer to God’s grace and mercy. I received this book free for my honest review by Waterbrook/Multnomah Publishing Group.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Bad Girls of the Bible Book Review

Variety of authors/readers and approaches to particular subjects as well as learning styles is what makes the need for so many diverse types of writings. This book was not my first choice of style in biblical lessons or stories.  I liked the overall final points of the message the author was pushing in her book. However, the style is what kind of made the book hard to finish for me.

There is a certain amount of humor in books that is tolerable and that was OK, but the fiction ratio to non-fiction was just strange. I realize not every book will please every person so please understand that this is just my personal opinion. I have known other people whom have highly recommended this book to me personally and they absolutely loved the “refreshingly not-so-serious approach” to God’s Word. I suppose I’m just stuffy in that respect where either we are going to do some light reading without whole truth or with some humor and make believe or what-if scenarios or we are going to set aside intentional time to dig and dive deep into scripture to seek truth in the Word. Mixing the two approaches so frequently wasn’t comfortable for me.

I suggest this book for light reading approaches or those who need those periodic breaks from core digging. While this book offers a lot of help, means for studying and includes truth from God’s Word, it is outweighed by opinion and fantasy. Other authors do very well when they balance the two approaches but I will stick to one or the other when I choose books in the future.

On the positive, the stories were entertaining and did raise a few chuckles out of me. She is an excellent writer! The downfall was my own inability to transition my train of thoughts as easily as others may be able to from levels of seriousness and I had to put the book down to make those transitions too frequently for my liking.

The Waterbrook/Multnomah Publishing Group provided this book free for my review.

About Me

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Anthem, Arizona, United States
I'm a caregiver to my husband who is permanently disabled. Life can be a bit challenging when it's not really about me at all. I've got two boys, 18 and 3 and they're both an added handful. I spend my spare time trying to keep from being bored and try to make it about me, life and socializing with others about how they spend their time. Hence, the birth of this blog!