For example, the back cover states, “Partner with God and
others to accomplish something beautiful that serves humanity.” Now, true
followers of the Lord know that we don’t partner with God and we certainly do
not aim to serve humanity. We are followers and believers and doers of God’s
Word, we are in no way equal to be partners with Him. We also do not strive to
serve humanity in anyway. We are to love our neighbors but our ultimate goal is
to serve God, not people. Galations instructs us of that very clearly (Gal 10:1
if you care to open truth and see for yourself).
In this 16 chapter book, even though it’s a quick read, it
still took until the 15th chapter to finally give a pep talk to the
readers. However, in the first 14 chapters, the author makes long, drawn out
attempts to take scripture and put new meaning into it by giving examples of
his own ideas of what it means and how the rest of us seem to have not fully
grasped what God has been instructing us for the past 2000+ years. After these
useless ideas of self-empowerment, it’s not until the very last chapter that
readers are given an actual ‘how-to’ idea of applying his concepts in their
Christianity and most other religions that serve the living
Almighty Father, God all include in their basic of basics in theology that we
are to die to ourselves and serve Him. We are not to be self-empowering,
self-elevating and motivating others to use God as a backup system rather than
our main source of comfort, guidance and submitting to His will and not our
own. Jaggard writes of God being narcissistic, like a rock star diva and those
of us who truly follow Him to have no choices or power in our own lives. I feel
that a true lover of God wouldn’t go anywhere near this ideology and certainly
would not be teaching it to others.
I’m a little saddened that I feel the author put many hours
of hard work into this book that will do nothing for its believers except draw
them into a world of self-centeredness without the total comfort and peace God
has to offer us when we allow Him to show us the way instead of taking the
reigns ourselves and fighting where I true destiny lies. God is soveREIGN
because He and He alone reigns. I do not recommend this book to anybody whose
heart is to serve the Lord.
This book was a free gift in exchange for my honest opinion
of it provided by Waterbrook/Multnomah
Publishing Group.
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