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I use bzzagent to write reviews of products and keep getting opportunities to get more products to review for free. This is a great way to try new things without having to purchase everything you see without having to suck up the cost if you don't like it.
Currently I am in a 'campaign' titled, Kroger Free Friday Downloads. What does that mean? For those who have a Kroger Family store near them, you can create an account online and attain coupons from their stores, deals and various other types of savings like Fuel points, gift card points, and on Fridays, you can load a free item to your shopper's card.
This past Friday, I downloaded a high energy drink, this next Friday I will add another drink (Kroger decides, we just accept and load it), in the past I've gotten other things like Cheetos, sandwich spreads, hamburger helper and more.
You have a couple of weeks to get your item before the coupon expires as long as you log on Fridays and load your coupon. This week, I saved almost $10 with just the loaded coupons alone. My over all savings were 43% which is not bad when you've been use to spending hundreds of dollars at a time and suddenly you're just under a hundred because you've used Free downloads, other coupons and this week, 2x the fuel points.
It's a great program to look into and an even greater program to take advantage of :) ! Happy shopping at Kroger and may your Fridays be FREE!