
Thursday, August 15, 2013

I am Blessed review for The Blessed Woman

For many, the Bible is hard to read because people find it difficult to bring ancient times into modern day realities. With this book, the author does just that. While God never changes, our circumstances do but we can still equate how God wants us to ‘walk’ in today’s times according to His promises.

The women of the Bible were far worse off than we were but they still held true to what God wanted them to be and do. I found this book easy to bring those tough and troubled dark journeys to include the fact that I AM a daughter of our Heavenly Father and I CAN survive this world’s ugly intentions toward me with the grace of God.

Ancient women served not only their modern day expectations but they have been an example for present expectations, trials and journeys as well. If you need a reminder of how to carry on, read this book!

I got this book free in exchange for my review from Waterbrook/Multnomah Publishing Group.

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Anthem, Arizona, United States
I'm a caregiver to my husband who is permanently disabled. Life can be a bit challenging when it's not really about me at all. I've got two boys, 18 and 3 and they're both an added handful. I spend my spare time trying to keep from being bored and try to make it about me, life and socializing with others about how they spend their time. Hence, the birth of this blog!